Basil, Large Leafed Essential Oil
Latin Name: Ocimum basilicum album
Source: France
Part of plant: Plant
Blends Well with: Geranium, Hyssop, Rosemary
Aroma Character: Sweet light green woody undertone, slightly camphorous reminiscent of Benzoin and possesses a vanilla note.
Basil, Large-Leafed Properties : General strengthening, restorative (digestion, liver, gallbladder, circulation, and nerves), lowers blood congestion in prostrate and uterus.
Basil, Large-Leafed Indications : Liver and gallbladder insufficiency, congestion in prostae and uterus, bladder inflammation, disturbances of heart rhythm, asthenia, psychoasthenia.
Basil, Large-Leafed Main Components : Linalool, fenchol, beta-caryophyllene, methylchavicol, estragol.
Basil, Large-Leafed Contraindications, side effects : not known for normal dosage.