Lavender Spike Essential Oil (Lavandula latifolia)

Spike Lavender: Lavandula larifolia Med., L.

  • Product Code:EO 342
  • Availability:In Stock
  • £7.15

Spike Lavender Essential Oil

Latin Name: Lavandula larifolia Med., L.

Source: Spain

Part of plant: Flowering tops

Grade: Organic

Aroma Character: Herbal, camphorous

Blends well with: Pine, Bergamot, Neroli

Spike Lavender Properties: Anti-spasmodic, strebgthening, antiseptic, antibiotic, against infection, promotes wound healing and scar formation, analgesic: stimulates appetite, promotes bile production as well as drainage of gallbladder, carminative, diuretic; against ailments of respiratory tract; regulates heart and circulation; subdues cerebrospinal overexcitation.

Spike Lavender Indications: Coughing, bronchitis, trachea inflammation; infectious skin ailments, skin parasites, wounds, burns; nervous disorders, anxiety, insomia, high blood pressure; rheumatism, arthritis; neuritis, neuralgia.

Spike Lavender Main Components: Cineole-linelol, d-camphene,d-camphor, d-borneol.

Spike Lavender Contraindications, side effects: None known for normal dosage.

Spike Lavender is commonly referred to as English Lavender, possibly due to its aroma being what we would associate with “Granny’s lavender”. It has a slightly sharper smell to the previous two Lavenders, due to its camphor content. This lavender is commonly grown at lower levels.

It is also the “wild” lavender commonly seen or sold from Spain. ‘Spike’ is derived from its alternative botanical name, L spica. Spike Lavender has a higher cineole content than the other lavenders and is therefore more useful for respiratory infections. Lavender Spike is not a relaxant.

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